A. 2 people tie - they play one game. All clear. B. 3 people tie - we order them by SODOS (random if not possible): P1, P2, P3. Then: First round P2 - P3 Second round P1 against winner of round 1 Winner of round 2 takes the 1st place, loser of round 2 - the 2nd place, loser of round 1 - the 3rd place C. 4 people tie - we order them by SODOS (if some players share SODOS, then random): P1, P2, P3, P4. Then: First round P1 - P4 P2 - P3 Second round Winner against winner, loser against loser. The player who won round 1 and lost round 2 takes the 2nd place, the player who lost round 1 and won round 2 takes the 3rd place. D. 5 people tie - they have the same SODOS for sure so we order them randomly: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. Then: First round P1 -- bye P2 - P5 P3 - P4 Second round Winner of P2-P5 -- bye P1 - winner of P3-P4 (*final) Loser against loser (*anti-final) Final order: 1st place - winner of the match marked as (*final) 2nd place - winner of P2-P5 in round 1 who got a bye in round 2 3rd place - loser of the match marked as (*final) 4th place - winner of the (*anti-final) 5th place - loser of the (*anti-final)